The Basic Timelapse mode offers to take time-lapse photos automatically without changing the exposure. It has two parameters; Interval and Frame.
Interval:This parameter defines the duration between the starting points of each frame exposures.
Frame: This parameter defines how many pictures are to be taken. You can set the frame number up to 65535. If you set the frame number to 0, this will mean that the time-lapse will continue until you stop it.
The Basic Timelapse mode does not offer any control over the exposure. The exposure settings of your camera will be valid.
Once you start the mode, you can see the progress on the status screen. The counter on the top will show the interval status. When the circle completes, the interval period is over and the next picture will be taken. On the left-bottom, you will see another counter which shows the number of pictures already taken. With each frame, the counter will be increased by 1. Please note that, if the exposure setting of your camera is greater than the interval value, the time lapse process will not function properly. The exposure of your camera must be less than the interval value. Otherwise, the number of taken pictures will be less than shown on the screen.