You can use the settings menu to change application related or device related settings or to get information.
Pulse Length: This parameter defines the pulse length of each trigger signal for those modes which don't have an exposure parameter.
Shutter Lag: This parameter defines the time to be added to the Pulse Length to obtain the desired shutter speed.
LED Status: This parameter determines whether the LEDs will be active or not while the device is operating. You can set it to OFF if you are worried about the device lights affecting your photo in night shots.
Gear Backlash Step: This parameter defines how many idle steps should be taken before the device starts moving in order to get the gear backlash in the device.
Language: This parameters defines the application language.
Buy Now: This button is used to visit the store for purchasing the product.
Feedback: This button is used to share your feedback with the development team.
Check Firmware Updates: This button is used to check if there is a new firmware available.